Saturday, June 30, 2012

Addison is 1... Wait, where did time go?

So, two weeks ago has come and gone quicker than I ever thought possible. My newborn is now pushing a month old and Addison's first birthday came and passed just as fast! Her party was a hit and she's already doing so many things to be just a year old! It seems like before I know it, she'll be three just like Gunner and BAM! My baby will be in school herself. They grow so fast and when people say cherish it, they surely mean it because kids change. So quickly.. and so often. It's like one day she was crawling, the next she was climbing, then walking.. and I'm like ahh.. what's next? I'm waiting for her to really start talking because she's picked up on a few words & will copy some things. Bye-bye, Kara, mama, bubba, skate, what, huh & a few others are what we hear more than anything. It's also really crazy to me how different she and her brother have been. Gunner walked before he crawled.. and she did the exact opposite. He also had teeth at 2 months old and she is pushing 13 months and still doesn't have a single ONE! Insane. And as much as I hate her growing so quickly, I'm really ready to surpass this forever long teething stage we've been in for the past... oh, just close to a year!

Anyway, some pictures of this cute & cuddly crawling, walking, babblin', sweetheart of a baby girl of mine:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fix-It Friday #148 with Erin Wheeler Photography

I haven't done a Fix-It Friday linkup in FOREVER, but I really wanted to jump back into it. I think it turned out pretty cute! What do you think?

Original image {c} Erin Wheeler Photography

Edited by Kara Vanover

To join in on Fix-It Friday linkups, visit I♥Faces! There's also a live link up on their blog on editing in Photoshop for anyone who wants to learn up on some new tricks!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Touch-Up Tuesday: Callie Brynn {newborn outtake}

I rarely ever have time to do much of anything, short of juggling my time with 3 little children. I often forget to eat, brush my hair, and barely find time to shower! But today I managed to shoot not just one, but all three of my children's pictures (after I worked on Callie's newborn pictures). I even had time to edit a few and upload one.. and then after that, I managed to create a new cover photo on Facebook! Whoa doggy, supermom much? In case you haven't noticed, I'm still learning to manage my time between all three of them since I'm not quite used to it yet.. and I'm home alone with them all, all day long.

Nonetheless, I managed to get a few shots of Callie (who wasn't tired at all) and thus, they were all of her awake! She only cooperated so long before she grew tired of my camera (and irritated at me and my many hats, headbands, different positions & so on, so forth)... but anyway! I wanted to take this time to jump into a Touch-Up Tuesday photo challenge because I've been wanting to get back into them for a while and I've missed having time to edit! Not to mention, oh hey - she's cute, right? Outtake or not, I just love her to pieces!

Touch-Up Tuesday

Before | SOOC

After | Edited
Paper Heart Camera